Healthy coffee



Healthy coffee

Healthy coffee

i-coffee Diabetes is one of the most common diseases plaguing the Indian population today. India is infamously known as the Diabetic Capital of the world. The four kinds of diabetes are – Type 1 diabetes/juvenile diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), Gestational diabetes and Prediabetes. Symptoms of diabetes include weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination, increased thirst and so on. If left unchecked, diabetes can lead to complications like heart attacks, cataract, glaucoma, peripheral neuropathy and so on.

Diabetes Reasons and Types

      Some of the reasons why diabetes occurs can be listed below :

      Insulin Resistance

      Abnormal Glucose Production by the Liver

      Genetic Susceptibility

      Obesity and Physical Inactivity

      Increasing Age

      Bad Diet

      Pre Diabetes


Healthy coffee

High-quality coffee beans from Coorg in Karnataka. In addition, it is professionally blended with the main ingredient Salacia reticulata, along with Mucuna pruriens (Cowhage) extract. Salacia reticulata is an ayurvedic herb proven to reduce and balance blood sugar levels due to the rich amount of polyphenols and mangiferin present in it. Its active component, salcital, a clinically proven herbal supplement, has been standardized and extracted and is infused into iCoffee.

      A carbohydrate blocker—prevents the conversion of polysaccharides to glucose.

Modulates carbohydrate absorption better than synthetic medicines by understanding the body’s requirement and blocking excess carbohydrates. Whereas synthetic medicines can only reduce the blood sugar levels which can fluctuate according to carbohydrate intake.


It is used to treat prediabetes. It has also shown to be effective in treating Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The herb also possesses anti-oxidant properties with a significant trigyceride and cholesterol lowering effects. Consequently, this aids in weight loss. Salcital inhibits alpha glucosidase and pancreatic lipase, thus delaying the absorption of glucose into the blood and improving glycemic control. It also supports healthy weight management by improving insulin resistance and glucose metabolism.

This is how salcital works. It contains salacinol, kotalanol, kotalagenin-16 acetate and mangiferin. These inhibit the alpha glucosidase enzyme production. This in turn, stops the conversion of polysaccharides to monosaccharides and decreases glucose absorption in the intestine. Insulin production in the pancreas is increased. This increases the peripheral glucose uptake in the muscles and adipose tissues.


Coffee is a best-selling commodity in the world because of its energy-boosting properties. It increases your mental alertness and decreases physical fatigue. In today’s world, isn’t it a great option to have an energy-boosting drink that also manages blood sugar? iCoffee may also help in weight management by increasing your feeling of fullness. It increases the amount of High Density lipoprotein(HDL) and reduces Low Density lipoprotein(LDL). It also improves lipid levels, thus improving your heart health. It also helps to keep metabolic syndrome at bay by reducing abdominal obesity and maintaining blood sugar levels.


The recommended portion of iCoffee is one sachet two times a day, half an hour before your meal in 100-120 ml of water. It is also safe for patients with diabetes to consume along with their prescribed medications. iCoffee comes in two varieties – Coffee creamer and black. No matter what kind you prefer, iCoffee provides something for you.


Healthy coffee

Healthy coffee Healthy coffee Reviewed by sudarshan kumar on September 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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